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CPA Voice: Non-GAAP financial measures and key performance indicators

Written on Aug 10, 2023

In the post-pandemic environment, business transformations, strategy changes and management views offer important information to the future value-generating activities of an organization that may not be conveyed through traditional GAAP measures. 

“While some non-financial measures and key performance indicators (KPIs,) are communicated in Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A,) companies are increasingly reporting other non-GAAP financial measures,” writes Laura Hay, CPA, CAE, executive vice president of the Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发, in the July/August issue of CPA Voice.  

The AICPA Center for Audit Quality reports that by 2020, 94% of S&P 500 companies included at least one non-GAAP financial measure in their earnings releases. Read the entire story here.  

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